The three most important minorities in America are coordinating and expanding this Exclusive Project.
Our Mission:
Increase the number of voters within our three minorities who REFUSE to vote for an “America” (#1) we will NEVER be able to afford – (#2) we will FOREVER have to fear – and (#3) that will NEVER be OUR America.
Personal Invitation
You have been PERSONALLY invited to visit Our THIRD Wins™. This means the person who invited you thinks it is important for you to take time to visit this website.
Your Coordinator
Each time you log into Our THIRD Wins™, the first window has your Coordinator’s phone number. Be sure to add your Coordinator to your contacts.
Receive Text Messages
Also, when setting up your account, click the box to accept TEXT messages. — This is IMPORTANT.
Primary – Operational Website
Remember – Our THIRD Wins™ is our primary – operational – website. This is not a public or recreational website. This website is private and therefore protected Freedom THIRD Coordinators and Guests who have be granted a “Voter Status”.
Thanks for taking time to visit.